Free Excel Resources

Excel How to Tips and Video Tutorials

Take Advantage of these Free Videos and Articles to Increase Your Excel IQ.

Biggest Mistakes People Make on Excel Spreadsheets

Most Excel spreadsheets are overcooked. Data is separated, summarized, and formatted to make it "easy to read." BUT, no one wants to read your spreadsheet.

Excel Charts
Biggest Mistakes People Make Using Excel Charts

The right chart can turn your spreadsheet into instantly understandable and actionable insights. Unfortunately, most people use the wrong or underpowered charts to tell their story.

Excel Functions
How to Articles on Excel Functions

Step-by-step how to articles explaining how to use some of Excel's most valuable features and functions for organizing and analyzing data.

Excel Training Videos
Excel Video Tutorials

Watch these short videos to learn how to set up your Excel spreadsheets to maximize efficiency and data analysis.